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Showing posts from 2015

The Mature Theory

Do you really change when you grow up? Did your characteristics change? Did your feelings change? Had your likings changed?                                    Simple and clear the answer is “NO”.    Yes, Its NO, we always remain the same person throughout our lives. We are our unique selves and there is no change within us since our childhood. You don't believe me - Ask your mother, no one could tell better. For most of the things we think during our young age that, we will change when we grow up, actually do not change, not even our challenges. Our problems remain the same and  even our problem solving approaches. In class 1 we used to tackle and made mistakes with our plus and minus problems and even now we have to do the plus and minus problems and we make the same mistakes. You don't change physically, very true, your body grows in the same proportion as you were in younger age. DO CHECK YOURSELF. Just take an old picture of yours a

The Mature Theory


The Thought Seed Theory

Do you really do what you want to do? Do you really eat what you want to eat ? Do you really sleep when you want to sleep? Do you really go where you want to go? Do you really sing, dance, study, wear, speak, work and the list continues... But the most important" DO YOU REALLY THINK WHAT YOU WANT TO". Surprisingly the answer is NO. For the majority of people in this universe the answer is a clear NO. Only 1 percent of the people in this world have the courage to follow their heart. So what do other people do. They just follow blindly. I do not know whether you have paid attention to this before or not but the most of the things we do in our daily life is actually someone else thought. Some one decided that talking politely is a good etiquette, so we talk politely. Some one told us that sleeping for 8 hours is fit for body and we follow him... Leave this, even we judge a person in the same way, If someone tells us that he is a very rude guy, we just mean him

The Pitcher Theory

This is a new theory of life relating to real life craftificial objects...According to this, every person in life is born with 3 virtually realistic pitchers. The Pitcher Of Hard Work.  The Pitcher Of Leisure The Pitcher Of Destiny. AND the INTERESTING thing is this that you will not Die until your first two pitchers are filled altogether or the third is filled solely.  ...So its you who have to decide which pitcher to fill first.  For one or other point of time you have to fill the first two pots with your deeds. But the game of destiny depends upon our thinking and thus the third pot is filled by the way we perceive this world. There is no person in this world who had died before the filling of these pots. Nature has balanced the world in such a way that everyone will be benefited with its vivid presence. So any person who works hard today will enjoy tomorrow and the one who enjoys today will have to work tomorrow. There is no specific hard and fast rule a