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Showing posts from March, 2015

The Thought Seed Theory

Do you really do what you want to do? Do you really eat what you want to eat ? Do you really sleep when you want to sleep? Do you really go where you want to go? Do you really sing, dance, study, wear, speak, work and the list continues... But the most important" DO YOU REALLY THINK WHAT YOU WANT TO". Surprisingly the answer is NO. For the majority of people in this universe the answer is a clear NO. Only 1 percent of the people in this world have the courage to follow their heart. So what do other people do. They just follow blindly. I do not know whether you have paid attention to this before or not but the most of the things we do in our daily life is actually someone else thought. Some one decided that talking politely is a good etiquette, so we talk politely. Some one told us that sleeping for 8 hours is fit for body and we follow him... Leave this, even we judge a person in the same way, If someone tells us that he is a very rude guy, we just mean him